About Me

by Wots Her Name Again?
Wots Her Name Again a Lifestyle blog written by a Lupus survivor, former party girl, product junkie, fashionista and mommy to a cheeky French Bullhuahua called Sassy-Love.

About Me

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My Story

Wots Her Name Again is a Lifestyle blog written by a Londoner, former party girl, Lupus survivor, Natural hair journeyer, product junkie, fashionista and, of late, mommy to a cheeky French Bullhuahua called Sassy-Love.

I have been obsessed with fashion from as far back as I can recall; as a child, I would spend hours dressing up in my mother's clothes and putting on her makeup.

Eventually, my mother was forced to run to the local second-hand shop to buy various dresses and accessories to feed my passion and divert my attention from her beloved garments.

I later turned my attention to my Barbie dolls and, with my mother's help, began designing and making garments from anything I could get my hands on, such as off-cuts from Deptford market, old clothing, Paper, toilet paper and plastic bags.
I enjoyed working with different types of textures, colours and shapes.
While studying at University, I also had a passion for styling and writing.

I have since taken part in various magazine shoots and Catwalk shows and completed various one on one personal styling briefs.

Since graduating from University, I worked for a well-known gifts and gadgets retailer, where I developed an understanding and interest in marketing and social media, which I decided to explore further while writing for Fashions Finest and eventually starting my blog in my spare time.

After being made redundant, I bounced around different temp jobs before landing a permanent gig with a British luxury shoe retailer (There are hints to which in my blog)

While my blog initially focused on fashion beauty, as I grew up and my world continued to expand, my blog interests have grown with me to include lifestyle and healthy living.
Cocktails have been replaced with smoothies (ok, not totally everyone loves a cheeky cocktail, right?), and the gym is the new nightclub.

The party girl is now a woman and a homeowner!

I'm still loving life, learning and evolving and happy to share it with you guys if you wish to read about it.

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Wots Her Name Again? @2023 – All Right Reserved.