New Blog – Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself

I have finally lauched my new blog, but first, a quick introduction for the guys in the back.

Hi I’m Lee-Anne, and Wots Her Name Again is my Lifestyle blog, I am a Londoner, former party girl, Lupus survivor, Natural hair journeyer, product junkie, and mommy to a cheeky French Bullhuahua called Sassy-Love.

2023 has already brought a lot of new things into my life new Job and a new Lupus treatment plan (that’s for another blog post), as you may have noticed because you are here new web address WWW.WOTSHERNAMEAGAIN.UK, and I finally made a move from Blogger to WordPress.

Why did I choose to move from Blogger to WordPress?

I moved from Blogger to WordPress because I kept bumping into increasingly frustrating issues with Blogger and couldn’t take it any longer.

Moving to WordPress allowed me to customise my site further and optimise things I could not access in Blogger; that’s a win!

When I first started blogging, l loved how easy and streamlined everything seemed on Blogger. As time passed, my attitude towards blogging changed from being a fun hobby to something I wanted to take more seriously; I noticed that I had outgrown the platform, and the required functionality wasn’t available.

Since I first started blogging, WordPress has made massive leaps forward and is so much more user-friendly. I used to hate WordPress due to its cumbersome backend, but WordPress has dramatically improved its interface and ease of use. So much so that I now prefer it to Blogger!

While I still need to finish importing and optimising all my posts or images, I have seen a massive speed improvement and have much more clarity when analysing my blog traffic. However, I will have to give Google enough time to index and make sense of the new site and domain before I can come to a solid conclusion.

In the meantime, I have a lot of exciting content, like working through my 40 while 40 bucket list; My sky jump for Lupus UK is booked, baby!

Click below to find out more, and cough cough sponsor me.

Speaking of Lupus, I also plan to be more transparent about my Lupus journey and the coping mechanisms I have come up with and still tweaking in the hopes that it would help someone going through the same situation or a similar chronic condition. I also intend to take advantage of a lot more travelling opportunities plus, I will also be arranging some bloggers meet-ups and some photoshoots, so watch this space.  

I can’t wait to see what else unfolds in my blogging journey.

I am open to all the beautiful experiences life has to give while accepting that there might be hiccups.

I hope you will come along with me for the ride.

Love Life |Love Health | Love Beauty| Love Creativity 

Lee-Anne x 

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Lee-Anne x

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